Today my standard armature arrived from Animation Supplies, which I immediately sent on to John Wright, so that he can modify his armature to fit since he uses differently sized balls (9mm and 6mm for my project) to Animation Supplies, as well as silver soldering the parts together as opposed to using threaded bar and Loctite, as the Animation Supplies kits are designed for.
He told me when he receives my package he will begin work on the armature for me and that it will take no more than 10 days for my armature to be delivered to me. In the mean time, more live-action film stuff.
Today I also finished off my logo design for The Skeleton Fund, adding some colour and linework, whilst also leaving enough space for text to be added.
First I sent this off to Kadhim, but he thought the background was a bit too light, so he asked me to darken it slightly, which I did.
So it looks a bit more like this now.
And here it is with the final text, as per his facebook group.
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